Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Ways to Help This Summer

Although we are officially off-duty for our stake humanitarian Tuesday morning service days, we'll be back up and rearing to go in the fall, so we have lots to do to prepare! There are still several ways that you can help this summer to make our humanitarian efforts easier in the fall!

1) Donate money-- we don't have a budget, so we need funds to keep our projects running! If you can donate, even $5 will help! Simply fill out a paper tithing form, and where it says "Other", write in: "Sew Much Love, Auburn Stake Humanitarian" with the amount. (This won't work if you put it in the Humanitarian section or if you do it online)

2) When you're on vacation, pick up travel size shampoos, soaps, etc. at hotels! These are PERFECT for our hygiene kits! Tell your family and friends to gather the free hotel samples and bring them in! Here is a picture of some of the kits we completed this past Tuesday, donated to the Auburn Food Bank!

3) Summer is a great time to clean and organize your house! Why not go through your fabric? In the fall, we'll be making Halloween and Christmas quilts, so if you are able to donate any fabric, we would be much appreciated! (Any fabric will do, of course, even if it's not Holiday themed!) Also, keep your eye out for summer sales on sheets and fabrics and feel free to pick up some for the cause!

4) We are looking for people who can sew quilts (pillowcase!) We have lots of sisters who come and help in other ways, but we can get bogged down and back logged if we don't have enough sisters sewing quilt tops. If you need instruction, we'd be THRILLED to teach you how and you can make them at your own time at home during the summer. This will help immensely in the fall when we're back in business!

5) Invite your fellow ward members and friends to join our FB group "Sew Much Love" or follow our blog! Then they can see upcoming posts during the summer and get excited about serving in the fall.

Happy Summer!

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