Thursday, June 23, 2016

LifeCenter Visitors

This past Tuesday, we had our usual humanitarian project volunteer work, but we had visitors from LifeCenter Northwest! We have been working with their organization for a few years now, and we love partnering with them! If you want to know more about what their organization does in detail, feel free to read about it on a previous post. 5 of their staff members came to see how we operate, to sew with us, and to have a big Hawaiian Haystack lunch! They were so grateful for all of the work that we put into our quilts for the families with whom they work. It was also so great to have so many volunteers (double our usual number!) and to share what we do with others in the community. Thanks to everyone who came and participated! It was wonderful to see so many faces and accomplish so much!

The official pictures are coming soon, but here are the amateur shots that I got quickly: 

1 comment:

  1. You do amazing work. I know these quilts mean everything to the families who receive them. 26 years ago when I was a grieving parent after my newborn son died, we were given a handmade sweater and knit cap for him that were made by women especially for those who have lost a child. Keep up the good work :)
