She shared a few examples: Because Sew Much Love is based off of donations, we don't have much of a budget. We were in need of new shelving units for the materials in our closets at the Stake Center, but had no money to purchase expensive lumber. One day, Arlene was driving and saw a pile of lumber outside of someone's house with a "Free" sign. She rushed home and picked up her husband and her truck to go and retrieve the lumber. She said that it was a huge amount of lumber and wanted to make sure it was actually free, so she knocked and asked. The man had done some construction for a business, and this was the leftover lumber. He used what he needed, and set the rest outside for any takers. Arlene was so thrilled to find this much free lumber! The pieces were large and would make perfect shelves for our humanitarian closets. This would've cost a lot of money, but because Arlene was in the right place at the right time, the lumber was free. The Lord truly provides for those are seeking to help others and do good.
Arlene also shared about how she helps gather the materials for the hygiene kits for the homeless. Whenever she is running low on something, whether it is travel sized shampoo or soap or whatnot, someone always seems to call or drop off a donation at just the right time. It always seems to work out in the end. Once she also got a call from a hotel that had a donation of 500 used washcloths, which was a huge donation. When we serve the Lord, things fall into place, because it is His work and His children we are serving.
I was so thankful for Arlene's testimony. It can be hard work to serve our fellowman, whether it be our time or our talents or financially, but when we seek to do hard things for the benefit of others, the Lord will always guide our efforts.
Love Arlene and love her testimony. Her life is, and has always been, a great testimony of service and being in the right place at the right time for the right reason=) Thanks for posting=)