Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Teeny Tears

We have a new program that we are working with now as a part of Sew Much Love called Teeny Tears! 

Here is some information from their website:

"Approximately 26,000 children are stillborn in the United States every year, about 1 in 160 births. A significant number of these angels are preemie or micropreemie infants.  Many of these angels are far too small for even the very smallest commercial diapers.

Teeny Tears is a service organization that provides tiny flannel diapers at no charge to hospitals and bereavement support organizations for families that have suffered the loss of a preemie or micropreemie child through stillbirth or NICU loss.

Our wish is to bless families that suffer the same heartache, providing their angel with a soft, beautiful diaper in which to be photographed and laid to rest. WE PROVIDE TWO MATCHING DIAPERS PER FAMILY (and that's really important), one for the baby and one for the family to keep in a memory box. When possible, we will also make tiny micropreemie blankets that are appropriately sized for their beautiful little bodies. For the smallest of angels,too fragile to dress, we provide mini blankets with pairs of teeny hats.

Grieving parents often feel very lost, alone, and confused. Every special effort to honor their loss goes a long way. It is very difficult for a family to say goodbye to their child before they got to say a decent hello. These diapers, made with love, tell parents that someone understands that their child existed, that they are special, loved, real, and that they matter. The love that goes into these diapers tells a grieving parent that someone understands that their loss is tremendous. Because a 'person’s a person, no matter how small'."

Our Teeny Tears Diapers

This is just a snipet of information from their website, which is http://teenytears.blogspot.com/
It is wonderful to look through, filled with stories, pictures, information on how to make these, and why the need is so great. I learned a lot reading through their stories, and I recommend visiting their website to learn more!

Jessica Smith is going to be one of the leaders of this new project for Sew Much Love, so hit her up if you have questions or want to participate! 

1 comment:

  1. Love it. As a mom who just lost a baby in December, it's amazing how much a diaper actually means to us moms. I was so upset when the funeral home took off the diaper I had put on my newborn and left him naked. Luckily, someone in the ward had given us a size 1 diaper to us (which was way too big--but it calmed my troubled heart to know he'd be covered.) Diapers mean more than you know when burying those sweet angels. For most of us mom's, it's the only chance we get to feel like we serve our babies. <3
